Friday, May 20, 2011

These are the new leads…and to you, they’re gold

Lead generation is the most measurable and easy to justify marketing activity. But, like other sales and marketing strategies, it doesn't work independently. In essence, lead generation is collecting a prospect’s name and contact information. The quality of the lead, as measured by likelihood to buy, can vary widely depending upon how you acquire it.

Email list providers that pre-screen names which are supposed to be part of your target demographic are literally a dime a dozen. There are also ways to collect names through awareness and engagement tactics that allow the prospect to self-qualify.

When vetting lead acquisition strategies, ask yourself, “How would I feel about this approach if I was in the prospect’s shoes?” Enjoy SPAM? How about a phone call for a service you have no interest in? What would that do to your impression of the brand?

To some, sales is purely a numbers game. Telemarketers and SPAMMERS know that for every hundred phone calls they make, or every thousand emails they send, they are going to convert someone. So they play the numbers, and get results. What’s not factored into their equation is the negative impression they gave most of the other names on the list. Congratulations, you’ve closed a sale while ensuring hundreds of other people will never buy from you.

You’re brand’s credibility is priceless. If you are a huckster interested in short-term results and don’t care about your brand’s reputation, the number’s game is the technique for you. Otherwise, invest in a strategy designed around helping your prospects, not churning through them.

The most important thing to remember about lead generation is to be the first to give. Lead generation is the natural beneficiary of thought leadership. This is where I apply “premium assets.” In B-to-B this usually means a white paper or a report. The idea is to give away something of value. Intellectual property may be expensive to acquire, but it tends to scale affordably.

In B-to-C, the equivalent could be a free consultation, evaluation or sample. Either way, the objective is to collect a lead, determine their level of interest in deepening the engagement, and escalate them into the qualification pipeline.